Virtual Machines
Virtual Machines are one of the Azure Compute way to host your solution and is the base Infrastructure component of the Cloud. Virtual Machines are logical machines which are created by the cloud using Hypervisors but for end user they act like physical machines containing all the components like RAM, CPU, Storage and Network. The physical hardware resources of the datacentre are intelligently managed and allocated to the virtual machines and these virtual machines are being paid for according to their location, performance and storage parameters. Hypervisor is a technology which manages these virtual machine allocations. One physical machine share its resource to multiple VMs. VMs have their own Operating system which is selected at the time of the creation of the VM.
Lab: For more information about what features/options Cloud offers for a VM, lets look into the Azure Portal . you can also create a VM using Azure CLI, CLI, PowerShell and ARM Templates. I will create separate Labs for them.
- Login to Portal.
- Go to Virtual Machines > Add>Add VM (These portal UI keeps changing with new features being added/modified, here I am giving the current screenshots, so follow accordingly.)
- You will be presented with the following Create VM Page.
- Subscription and Resource Group is what you need for every resource you create in Cloud. For deep dive information about Subscription and resource Groups, read here
- The Region is the location what determines the types/features of the machines cloud can offer and also one of the main cost determining feature. This choice is region is very important and also affect the network latency if the region selected is geographically away from the end users accessing the resource or in this case the VM.
- Availability Options is basically the redundancy option or options for replicas / backup of the resource for fault tolerance and high availability. by default is No Redundancy, which means only one copy of the VM is created and no additional copies are managed by cloud. For more information on Availability Options, go to page Availability and Redundancy
- Image is the OS and or the server images for your machine. There are by default a lot of pre-build templates for the different machine template for you to automate your VM and you don't have to manually install software or prepare the servers/machines. for example a webserver machine with IIS server or a Linux machine. Lots of work has already been done for you in the templates or you can choose your own OS and configure a machine from scratch.
👉 I would highly recommend to complete your study of Cloud Basics and Fundamental Series to understand the important key terms and concepts of cloud.
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